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Perfect place | Constructed cities | Tales of Two Cities

Tales of Two Cities

> city topography

> research

> installation

City topography,
urban research

The Tales of Two cities project does in effect place the research itself - its mechanisms and its form - in the center of interest. The research consists of crossing and documenting the unknown territory of two towns in Slovenia (Ravne na Koroškem and Slovenj Gradec) and searching for connections, systems and conditions. The P.A.R.A.S.I.T.E. Museum appears in the role of topographer and geographer of relations. It moves through various environments, researching systems and documenting relations. The new construction of reality consists of random details, marginal fragments, and peripheral events, shifting to and fro between micro- and macro-history: between speech, trace, memory, collective images, and exchange. What should not be forgotten is the fact that parasitic economy is not based on exchange of equal value, but on gifts, offers, and gratitude. Where the societies of exchange are based on the logic of debt and credit and ruled predominantly by demands, the most circulated currency in parasitic relations is gratitude.

> realised by
P.A.R.A.S.I.T.E. Museum of Contemporary Art

> in collaboration
Koroški muzej Ravne,
Glu-Slovenj Gradec

> produced by

> supported by


> text